Family Resources

Addiction is a disease that truly impacts the whole family. Everyone affected by addiction needs support, care, and healing. CARITAS is committed to connecting you with education, support, and resources to feel more equipped to cope with a loved ones substance use as you embark on your own healing journey.

Do You Have a Loved One In Our Program?

Please join us on the last Tuesday of each month for a virtual orientation session to learn more about The Healing Place residential program. We will offer an overview of our services, as well as discuss ways to support yourself and your loved one during this journey. This is FREE and open to all who would like to learn more. Contact Anna Murphy, Family Resource Coordinator at [email protected] or 804-401-8671 for additional information or questions. We invite you to please register below to receive the Zoom link.

Connect With Us

Please type in the date of the orientation you'd like to attend. (Orientations are held on the last Tuesday of each month.)

Family Education Program

The Family Education Program is a collaborative effort dedicated to providing quality education and support to families of substance users in our community through regular meetings and programs. These are free and open to anyone with a loved one who may be suffering from addiction. We meet virtually every Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

Join us on Zoom:

Or call in: 646-558-8656 | Meeting ID: 299427496

Visit us on Facebook to find out which topics we will cover each week!

Find a Support Group Near You

Tap the links below to be directed to local and virtual meetings for families and friends with loved ones struggling with substance use disorder.

  • Al-Anon: An international fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
  • Nar-Anon: Specific for families and friends of someone with a drug addiction
  • Families Anonymous: For families of loved ones with the disease of addiction.
  • SMART Recovery: A global community of people and families working together and learning from one another using a self-empowering approach based on the most current science of recovery.

Recommended Reading

Below is a list of publications that we recommend to learn how to heal and grow alongside your loved ones in recovery.


Other Resources

  • The 20 Minute Guide. This is a practical, compassionate, and effective roadmap for those who are concerned about their loved one’s substance use, or want to learn ways to prevent it.