Meet The Executive Team

Karen O'Brien

Karen O'Brien

President & CEO

Mark Cassidy

Mark Cassidy

Chief Financial Officer

Emily Lehman Caritas

Emily Lehmann

Chief Program Officer


Clara Stokes

Chief Advancement Officer


Benjamin Carr​

Director of Recovery Services


Marilyn Milio

Senior Director of Workforce Programs and Training


Sandy Morris​

Director of the Furniture Bank and Customer Service​

Charles Stafford​

Senior Director of Human Resources & Culture​


Paul Start

Senior Director of Operations


Stephen Vicoli​

Program Director for The Healing Place​

Shereida Archie

Shereida Archie

Emergency Shelter Program Manager

Ejana Bennett

Community Engagement Manager

Paige Eshler​

Data Analyst​

Anna Murphy​

Program Operations Manager-THPW​


Ray Porter​

Program Operations Manager-THPM


Lori Schmiege​

Logistics and Warehouse Manager​

Dustin Shipp

Works Program Manager​

CARTIAS Staff Placement Photo

Donnell Wright

Senior Case Manager

Sarah Young​

Senior Development Manager​

Diana Thomas | Assistant Program Manager | [email protected]

Jule Branch | Women’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Theresa Fowlkes | Women’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Amanda Funk | Women’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Eve Gilles | Women’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Monita Green | Women’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Madysen Morris | Women’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Samantha Strauss | Women’s Emergency Shelter Case Manager | [email protected]

Sherrell Thompson | Women’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Sharrika Toliver | Women’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Judith Wansley | Women’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]


Isaac Brown | Men’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Penny Dortch | Men’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Richard Gibson | Men’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Brittany Maddox | Men’s Emergency Shelter Case Manager | [email protected]

Javon Nelson | Men’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Laura Shackelford | Men’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Jwahir Singleton | Men’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Chad Skipwith | Men’s Emergency Shelter Team Lead | [email protected]

Jayden Strand | Men’s Emergency Shelter Monitor | [email protected]

Huey Gordon | Warehouse Coordinator

Jamal Hinton | Driver


Aaron Kerns | Evaluation Assistant | [email protected]
Michael McFadden | Program Data Assistant | [email protected]
Decland Wilson | Evaluation Assistant | [email protected]


Angela Allen | SOTS Team Lead | [email protected]

Christina Arrington | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Jeanne Boisseau | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Mary Chamberlain | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Sandra Curry | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Sandra Graupmann | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Casandra Jefferson | THPW Program Coordinator | [email protected]

Joanne Jefferson | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Amber Jenkins | SOTS Team Lead | [email protected]

Darlene Jones | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Paula Pruitt | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Toni Simonson | SOTS Coordinator | [email protected]

Joan West | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]


Linda Anderson | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Tyrone Bates | SOTS Team Lead | [email protected]

Benton Dial | THPM Program Coordinator | [email protected]

Jerome Fox | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Linda Gunn | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Moreno Haynes | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

John Lankford | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Joseph Mackey | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Lee Monroe | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Darrell Neal | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Charles Nelson | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Hattie Perez | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Edward Lee Peters | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Paris Robinson | SOTS Center Monitor | [email protected]

Patricia Saunders | SOTS Supervisor | [email protected]


Vicki Mollenauer | Senior Career Development Coordinator | [email protected] 

Sebastian Smith | Works Coordinator | [email protected]

Marcus Walker | Works Coordinator |  [email protected]

Vernon Crayton | Peer Navigation Specialist | [email protected]

Robyn Dorn | Peer Navigation Specialist | [email protected]

John Harding | Peer Navigation Specialist | [email protected]

Sheyka Lyon | Peer Navigation Specialist | [email protected]

Kathryn Brooks | Executive Assistant | [email protected]

Will Hutchisson | Senior Development Operations Coordinator | [email protected]

Charlotte McKee | Accountant | [email protected]

Felicia Shea | Human Resources Generalist | [email protected]

Food Service

Elizabeth Gleaves | Kitchen Coordinator | [email protected]

Makiyn Muhammad | Kitchen Assistant | [email protected]

Anthony Phillips | Kitchen Supervisor | [email protected]

William Rigsby | Food Service Manager | [email protected]



Kenneth Davis | Housekeeping and Janitorial Supervisor | [email protected]

John Gregg | Facilities Assistant | [email protected]

Roy Haddick | Facilities Supervisor | [email protected]