
AfterWorks leadership collageAt CARITAS we focus on lasting relationships.  AfterWorks is a two-year support program for all of our Works clients, designed to maintain the connectivity necessary for long-term success. Each month, men and women come together for the innovative and supportive program in which we cover topics including budgeting, computer skills, and more based on the group’s needs.

For our community partners who employ our Works graduates, this program is especially beneficial. We can support our graduate’s growth and provide companies with one point of contact to streamline communications. Our staff has extensive experience in workforce and leadership development, job placement, and program design, development and implementation.

For more information about AfterWorks, please email Career Development Senior Coordinator Vicki Mollenauer at

We need your help providing meals for the  monthly programs. Our Wednesday sessions are at 5:30 pm on the last Wednesday of each month. Simple dinners such as spaghetti, salad, sandwiches, fried chicken or pizza are suggested along with water or soft drinks and dessert.  If you are interested in providing a meal for one of these dates, please sign up at

Are You A CARITAS Works Graduate?

Join our AfterWorks Facebook group for meeting times, topics, and other resources. Click here to join!